Monday, December 30, 2013

101 in 1001

So, with a new year beginning, why not start a new goals list, am I right? There's this thing that's been going around called 101 things to do in 1001 days.

Start Date:  Sunday, December 30, 2013
End Date:  Monday, September 26, 2016

Here we go.

1. Pinterest projects for my future apartment {0/5}
2. make apple crisp
3. a cookbook
4. three signs for my classroom {0/3}
5. learn how to reupholster an old chair
6. revitalize old pieces of furniture {0/3}
7. make a wreath
8. paint a room
9. use old t-shirts to make a t-shirt quilt
10. make a gift for somebody special to me

11. learn how to use a sewing machine
12. read 5 new books {0/5}
13. learn 3 family recipes
14. make 10 recipes off of Pinterest {0/10}
15. learn to french braid
16. learn how to change a tire
17. learn how to jump a car
18. memorize my students' names before school starts {for student teaching}

19. stay up all night talking to someone
20. buy a puppy 
21. go camping
22. attend a concert
23. attend a karaoke bar/event
24. attend a piano bar
25. go on a real picnic
26. listen to every song on my iTunes
27. go ice skating
28. ride a roller coaster
29. go to a shooting range
30. watch a meteor shower
31. try 5 new restaurants {2/5} -- Bourban & Baker, Barley's Brewhaus
32. see a comedy show
33. take kissing pictures in a photo booth
34. go on a long bike ride

35. catalog expenses for one month
36. set a monthly budget
37. save my change until the end of this mission ~ record total
38. get a teaching job ~ 2nd Grade!
39. complete a “no spend month”…{except rent/utilities/groceries of course}

giving back & relationships.
40. send flowers to a friend
41. mend a broken relationship
42. write a letter to my future husband
43. buy someone’s meal in a drive through
44. send 5 letters to friends/relatives {0/5}
45. volunteer somewhere
46. go on a real date

47. floss daily for a month
48. run 2 miles in 15 minutes
49. run an average of 8 miles a week
50. run a 5k
51. take a yoga class
52. keep a food journal for one month
53. stick to my running schedule for one month
54. cut soda out of my diet for one month
55. drink 8 glasses of water everyday for 1 week

just because.
56. get a mani/pedi
57. get a massage
58. go skinny dipping
59. make 10 christmas cards one year {0/10}
60. make my bed every day for one month {0/30}
61. go pumpkin picking at the pumpkin patch
62. buy new running shoes
63. buy new dishes for a “permanent” apartment
64. buy new bedroom furniture
65. play in the rain
66. buy a potted plant and keep it alive
67. buy something at a flea market
68. play 18 holes of golf
69. finish a coloring book

70. clean out my closet and get rid of old clothes
71. clean and organize my laptop
72. get rid of 15 unnecessary items and give them away {0/15}
73. back up my computer
74. organize my phone and get rid of old pictures and apps

75. journal everyday for {at least} one month
76. identify 101 things that make me happy
77. find out my blood type
78. use the entire pack of teeth whitening strips
79. write a poem and give it to someone I love
80. write a list of 101 things I’ve achieved in my lifetime
81. write a letter to myself to be opened on my 30th birthday
82. fall in love

83. learn more of my camera's features
84. photograph a couple's engagement announcements
85. photograph a wedding
86. take one photo a day for a month {0/30}
87. photograph a newborn

88. create 5 new outfits with the clothes i already own
89. post an "outfit of the day" on my blog once a week for a month {0/4}
90. get a new haircut
91. buy a piece of clothing outside of my “comfort zone”
92. buy a shade of lipstick
93. get a facial
94. buy something red

95. take a trip with my significant other
96. take a vacation with friends
97. visit a new state
98. travel outside of the country
99. visit Colorado and go skiing
100. ride in a hot air balloon

101. create a new 101 in 1001 with somebody special

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